Benefits Enjoyed by Homeowner with Properly Vented Roof

by / Monday, 25 June 2018 / Published in Tips

A properly vented roof allows a home to receive an adequate level of ventilation. At the same time, another big benefit comes on the heels of that first one. It is assurance of the roof’s long life.

Now you might think that that the combined delivery of two great benefits would highlight the advantages linked to roof ridge ventilation. Still, that combination only offers a glimpse at all the advantages that have been linked to that specific ventilation system. No similar system can offer as many ways by which the homeowner can feel blessed with a comfortable and healthy environment.

Ways that homeowner can benefit from a roof ridge ventilation system

The system prevents root rot because it sends moist air out of the attic. When the warm and moist air cannot stay in the attic, it cannot encourage the formation of roof rot. It reduces the chances for paint peeling. Paint peels off a wall when it gets moist and then dries. The presence of adequate ventilation keeps moisture from getting onto the walls.

It limits the growth of mold. Remember that mold likes to grow in a warm and moist location. If the homes hot and moist air gets vented outside, the mold must look beyond your home for the place where it wants to grow. It serves as protection against mildew damage. Mildew and mold like the same sort of growing conditions. Venting does away with those conditions. Consequently, it works to protect a home from damaged caused by mildew.
Roof repairs in Napa helps the homeowner to conserve energy. It lowers the temperature of the attic. That helps to keep the house cool and reduces the need for air conditioning. Keep in mind that the ridge system does not require any energy.

Why the ridge roof system does a better job of venting the home than any vent turbine

The vent turbine must turn, in order to draw the air out of the attic. True, some turbines get their energy from the sun; still each of them has working parts. Those parts could wear out or get rusted. If that happens, the turbine stops to function. When a turbine stops running, it does not close off the spaces through which the hot air used to pass. Those spaces remain open. When it rains, the rainwater can get into the roof through those same spaces. Then all the benefits associated with the turbines disappear.

The hottest air in the roof collects at its topmost point. No turbine gets placed at that point; turbines on the roof get situated on the roof’s sloping sides. Only a ridge system can take the hot air out of that topmost point.


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