How To Know If a Roof Has Dry Rot

by / Tuesday, 01 February 2022 / Published in Roof Repair, Tips

Napa, CA roofing experts have all the information on roofing repair, so homeowners are always informed. 

Tips For Spotting Dry Rot on a Roof

When it comes to dry rot, most people have probably heard about it but for things like old clothes or towels. However, it is possible for the roof to be affected by dry rot as well. When it happens, homeowners likely won’t know what it is at first, they will just experience a number of signs without knowing what causes them. That is why it is so important that homeowners are not only informed of what dry rot is but how to spot it and what to do about the problem. If roof dry rot is left untreated, it can lead to expensive damages to the home. So, the sooner it is caught, the better. 

Roofing contractors may have fixed a roof leak in the past at the home but without regular roofing maintenance, it is nearly impossible to spot dry rot before it happens. Continue reading to learn more about roof repair for roofing rot. 

Roof Rot: What Is It and How To Identify It

Roof rot is essentially what happens when the roof prematurely decays and breaks down. It happens as a result of moisture getting trapped in the attic due to poor ventilation. The airflow doesn’t make it through the attic which causes the wood to soak up all the access moisture and start to rot. 

There are a few different things to do when trying to identify roof rot: 

  • First things first, go up to the attic: The best way to know if there is lingering access moisture is to try and see if the wood looks wet. 
  • Look for ice: In the winter, trapped ice in the attic is a clear sign of lingering moisture. 
  • Feel the ceiling: In the summer, a sign that moisture might be trapped in the attic is if the ceilings feel warm to the touch. Warm ceilings are a clear indicator of poor airflow in the attic. 

How Does Roof Rot Affect the Roof?

The roof is the most important structure of the home. Without a roof, there is no shelter. Therefore, when the roof starts to break down or rot, it causes expensive structural damage to the home. Roof rot quite literally eats away at the wood in the roof and causes mold growth. It is crucial that homeowners spot it immediately and call a professional for help. 

A dry rotted roof is one of the worst things that can happen to the roof. It affects the roof immensely and needs to be fixed right away. 

What To Do About It

Homeowners need to call a professional as soon as they notice access moisture in the attic. That is the best way to catch the problem early and significantly minimize repair costs. If roof rot hasn’t set in yet, roofing contractors can air out the attic with fans to dry up the wood and install roof vents to improve the ventilation in the room. 

The best way to identify roof rot early is to stay consistent with roof maintenance. A roofing company will be able to spot the signs early and potentially get the airflow fixed before root rot ever sets in, so you never have to worry about anything!

Modern Method Roofing Has the Answers

There is no one quite like Modern Method Roofing in Napa, CA. The residents of this community agree that their professionals always put the customer first and try their hardest to get the job done efficiently and for the lowest price. When it comes to roofing, they have the answers. Call today to get on the books! 

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